I for one like thinking while I play
Any reasonable person would have stopped reading these "rage" reviews by now but I hope you give me a chance.
I'm 13, I don't like to think, and I beat your dumb game in like a minute. Everyone died in the end WTF? I did not bother to read the author's comments where you said this was a non-linear game in which the player is given ONE chance to play through. I also was too lazy to read the numerous reviews in which players listed all the tricky ways to replay the game. I even missed the review where your own reply plainly stated a work around to replay your own game.
Since I am too stupid to read any of that, I am stuck with a bad ending. I blame my massive failure on you and you alone. I'm going to take myself inflicted frustration out on you by telling you how bad this game is.
I know very little of game design but I'm going to point out that not having a replay button, ruins the game for EVERYONE. (Not just for me.) I have no idea why the replay button is missing because I have chosen to ignore all context. I will question your ability to program/design. After all, how could you have missed the no replay bug?
I'm going to pretend like I've played a thousand games with no replay options before. That way I can call you out on what an unoriginal idea you had. The no replay thing has been done to death. I won't name a single game to support this claim because everyone already knows I'm right.
I'm going to pretend that the retro graphics aren't really retro. The 8-bit look was not even intentional. The graphics must be "low-fi" because you suck at drawing.
I'm going to complain about this game's slow walking speed. I'll ignore the fact that it's slow to keep me from rushing through on my one and only play though. I didn't need any time to consider my actions or my options. I didn't take the time to relate any of the circumstances in the game to real life because, as mentioned above, I don't like to think (The only exception is thinking about boobs).
My long winded review took more time to type than I spent playing your awful game. I will RAGE some more and maybe make a few personal attacks. Even after all this effort I still have not bothered to check a previous review to see if anyone knows how to replay this game.
But really I'm just mad because I suck at this game and every time I try again, my crappy ending comes right back up, reminding me of my own failure. My young ego can't cope.
There you have it. This was a great game and it actually brought up emotions when I played it. I had about as much fun reading the reviews as I did playing the game. Telling some guy, who waited an hour after the game ended to repay, that he should have waited 78 minutes instead... classic. I hope he went back and tried it too.